Kühlhaus Berlin, 24.01.2014
COCKPIT is a collaborative performance project, sharing the love for odd samples, idiomatic gambles and raw, cheeky beats. Genre-ignorant, dark s/wavy sounds aim at your body with samples coming straight from Jupiter, the ATM next door, Korean real estate and - yeah - devices. Something you can have for ears & years. Two voices, distorted, sincere, sometimes with heavy german accent, circle around the daily dose of demand.
Del Rex Berlin, 12.12.2014
COCKPIT creates an associative and poetic sound carpet. It's a performance, served on a pair of hometrainers, marble latex, vacuumizers and seasonal tropics. Synchronized movements react to live-mixed beats: 20 minute session, all is yours in this position. It’s about the fluidity of the moment, trance-like and elusive.
COCKPIT is all about melting and planting your brain, cherishing and processing on stage.